pills of different food diameter, packed in cartons very elegant clamshell shape, color, material, semi-transparency and ease of opening.
Both the product box and the sticker that all derive from a single source of production. Not so different processes on different materials to assemble then in a subsequent finishing phase, but a very accurate job scheduling, certainly the result of teamwork (teamwork).
The object is monochrome but with considerable variation in tone, it just gives it a sophisticated, but also meets the tastes of consumers away from a culture today. The color is a green, a green well-known under the popular name of "pea green" color pretty well calculated from the start of production and not changed to this day. This color has distinct cultural influences in fashion colors and furnishings around the years 20-30.
The shape of the pills are quite normal although there has been concern to vary in diameter, but what stands out for its originality, and yet the simplicity of its conception, is the case: its function is shaped two equal and symmetrical, as we plan today for reasons of economy of production, concave enough to contain the pills which have the imprint of both form and the number and disposition. The two elements are combined, a perfect seal, an adhesive that performs a dual function: as a spring-hinge side and less as a simple sticker from the longer side. Taking the case "knife", as they say, between the thumb and forefinger and applying light pressure with your fingertips, the box opens and displays the shooting pills all lined up in good order of magnitude. The pills could fall to the ground but a little of the glue that holds so you can remove when you want just by touching with a finger.
One of the characteristics of these productions is the change in the series. Problem much discussed in the various world conferences of Designers: design an object of great production must take into account the tastes of the public and propose possible changes to the model so as to increase sales more pleasing number of buyers? In the case of the production of peas there is perhaps an excessive varieties while maintaining strict form and color, can be found in container trade by dozens of pills, ten, nine, eight ... containers up to a pea. Too much change and, ultimately also a waste. And who buys only a pea and, again, it requires in its container? Yet for thousands of years, this subject continues to be produced in this way, the consumer does not pay attention to these details. However, it is likely that this much variation is the result of an error in market research, certain facts before making such a huge production and still in use today for negligence bureaucracy.
Again, no concession of an outdated style taste of the beautiful classical or modern according to the latest artistic trends, not complacency sculptural, no easy anthropomorphism, but a game determined by size of individual parts. The object is inserted in an honorable tradition of technological production is also calculated with the utmost rigor, but not without warmth and social and, one could perhaps say, with a slight sense of humor.
Bruno Munari
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